Ph.D in artificial intelligence, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2025 (expected)
Master of Sciences in computer Science, Université de Rennes 1, 2022
Master Degree in Computer Science, INSA Rennes, 2022
Work experience
October 2022 - Now : PhD Student - Ecole Centrale de Lyon
My PhD thesis focus on the learning of a latent representation of a scene in order to simplify the manipulation for robots. I’m currently interested in the “object-centric” representation learning which seems to be a promising area of research.
February - September 2022 : Research Intern - IRISA Rennes
Writting of a bibliography on handwritten text recognition for old documents (XVII th century). Study of state of the art deep learning models (CRNN, CTNN, etc.). Implementation of a new pipeline using semi-supervised siamese newtorks on Pytorch. Presentation of my final work at SIFED 2022 (Symposium International Francophone sur l’Ecrit et le Document) in Rennes : “Handwritting Recognition using Multi-Hypothesis based Semi- Supervised Learning for adaptation to specific documents“.
Summer 2021 : Research Intern - Inria Rennes
Development of a proof-of-concept system combining 3 Azure Kinect cameras to detect and follow the movements of 11 people for an artistic project titled « Event By Eleven » by n+n Corsino presented at Tokyo in November 2021 as part of «Computer Music and Multidisciplinary Research ». Direct collaboration with Golaem company. Implemented a system to calibrate and synchronize every cameras together and began to work on an Unreal Engine 4 SDK to collect and recognize the movements of the user in real-time.
Summer 2020 : IT Intern - Capgemini
Work in a team of 10 people with Agile methodology (SCRUM) and synchronization with other teams through SAFe methodology. Update of a logging library written in Java, Php and NodeJS.